Aquila Bricks

Focused on high-value real estate assets located in prime areas and the growing market of branded residences.

A partnership established with

Diversified portfolio across different real estate segments

Key Factors of the Residential Market:

  1. Rising Interest Rates Drive Rental Demand
  2. Stricter Bank Financing Policies
  3. Increasing Demand from Foreign Investors
  4. Greater Mobility Boosts the Rental Market
  5. Stable Financial Performance
  6. Conservative and Safe Investment

Aquila Bricks allocates €60 million in properties that generate income and appreciation.

Specialized in real estate assets located in prime areas and/or the branded residences market

Moderate risk-adjusted returns, minimizing risk exposure for our investors.

Up to 40% of the capital will be invested in the International Hospitality Fund, providing additional diversification.

Expected Return

Aquila Bricks pursues a moderate risk profile by investing in companies with asset-backed guarantees. These investments are secured by real estate assets, providing protection against losses.

c.a 10% after fees

Illustrative Return Scenarios

Subscription Ongoing

Interested in the Aquila Fund?

We would like to talk to you.

Book a conversation with our team and explore global investment diversification opportunities focusing on Golden Visa.

We will get in touch soon
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