Governance and Conformity

At Aquila Fund

We believe that investing in strong and responsible corporate governance is also a way to envision the future and its possibilities.

We are committed to maintaining the highest ethics, integrity, and transparency standards in all our operations and investment decisions. To this end, we have established various mechanisms to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of the fund:

Governance Structure: A system that ensures accountability, effective oversight, and alignment with our investors’ interests.

Board of Directors and Investment Committee: Comprised of experienced and qualified members, our board oversees the fund’s strategies and operations.

Compliance and Corporate Ethics: We invest in strict compliance and corporate ethics policies to ensure all activities comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Regulatory Compliance

Our compliance approach is comprehensive and proactive, as we are committed to adhering to all applicable investment sector regulations. The fund is regulated by the Securities Market Commission (CMVM).

Adherence to Local and International Laws

We strictly comply with all laws, standards, and regulatory guidelines, both in Portugal and in other markets where we operate.

Transparency and Disclosure

We maintain a high level of transparency with frequent disclosure of information relevant to our investors and regulatory authorities.

Monitoring and Review

Our compliance process includes continuous monitoring and periodic review of our practices to address any changes in laws and regulations and ensure compliance.

Risk Management

Effective risk management is an essential part of our governance and compliance strategy. To this end, we have implemented a stringent and ongoing risk management system capable of identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks, with measures such as portfolio diversification and rigorous investment analysis. Through this process, we ensure the protection and sustainable growth of our investors’ assets.

Commitment to Excellence

Commitment to governance and compliance is a central pillar of the Aquila Fund’s investment philosophy. We continue to dedicate ourselves to maintaining the highest standards, which has earned the trust and respect of our investors and partners.