Discover Aquila Fund

The Aquila Fund FCR comprises three fully independent Portuguese investment funds registered with the CVMV, featuring traditional investment strategies that may also be eligible for the Golden Visa through its Wheels and Boards funds.

Diversification under the management of an experienced and regulated team.

Blending concrete data with expertise and passion to ensure a smooth journey toward capital growth.

Aquila Funds offer a world of possibilities at your finger tips.

Imagine a secure investment that also offers you and your family access to the Portuguese Golden Visa.

Under the management of
Fundbox SCR S.A.,
in Portugal.

Navigate the promising Portuguese market with diversified investment strategies and exclusive benefits.

Through our partners, you can also invest in the Aquila Fund.

With the Aquila Fund, investing goes beyond financial return.
The fund offers opportunities to obtain residency and citizenship in Portugal.

Subscription Ongoing

Interested in the Aquila Fund?

We would like to talk to you

Book a conversation with our team and explore global investment diversification opportunities focusing on Golden Visa.

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