Your Path to Portugal with
Golden Visa


Invest in a diversified portfolio of the Portuguese market and obtain your Golden Visa to live and work in the country.

What is the Golden Visa?

A Golden Visa is a residence permit that allows foreigners to obtain a residence permit in European Union countries through investments. More than 11,700 residence permits have already been granted through the program.

Investing at Aquila Fund, your Golden Visa will allow you and your entire family to live, work, and study in Portugal.

A Golden Visa will allow you and your family:

The right to reside, study, and work in Portugal

The possibility of entry into Portugal and the entire Schengen area, composed of 27 European countries, without the need for a visa

The ability to apply for Permanent Residence and Portuguese nationality

Investment Funds
eligible for the Golden Visa

The Aquila Fund offers investors and their families the opportunity to obtain residency in Portugal through its investment funds, Wheels and Boards, which are eligible for the Golden Visa. This aligns with their long-term personal and financial goals.

Aquila Wheels

Classic & Iconin Cars

Classic & Iconin Cars are the best-performing alternative investment globally. As a tangible global asset, they offer liquidity that is not dependent on any specific market.

Focusing on appreciation and liquidity, the Wheels strategy involves brands such as Ferrari, Porsche, and Mercedes.


Occasionally, Wheels may invest in other brands.

Aquila Boards

Private Equity

Investment in companies with high growth potential in innovative and emerging sectors, especially in the areas of the environment, circular economy, and green initiatives.

The strategy combines investments in national companies with companies from other markets.

Proactive management in portfolio companies, demanding quality and a focus on growth and profitability.

To learn about the minimum investment, expected return, and step-by-step investment process:

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